What participants thought about the seminar!

Pastor David Dixon

“This seminar impressed me because of its scope and spiritual depth. As a result of the seminar on prayer I accepted the challenge to deepen and improve the quality of my prayer life.”


“It was clear, practical, biblical, and dynamic. In a word: a tonic. Do not miss the opportunity to attend this seminar!”


“I appreciated the balance between the theory of prayer and the practice of prayer.”


“At the seminar I received a new vision of prayer: its power and purpose. I went home refreshed, challenged, and determined to give quality time to prayer. At the seminar God kindled in my heart the flame of prayer. It was a powerful encouragement to me.”


“At the seminar I made a commitment to make prayer a priority. Now I rise 30 minutes earlier than usual to spend time with God. With my wife we made the decision to pray together every day. That’s practical! Agreed?”


“The seminar was too short! There were times of worship, intercession, singing, teaching from the Scriptures, times of prayer, group discussion and we had opportunity to ask questions. This seminar changed my life. If you can, register today!”

If you would like to participate in one of these seminars, then make direct contact with Ian Smith who will inform you of the dates and give you advice if you would like organize a seminar on prayer.

36 Berelands Crescent,
Rutherglen Glasgow G73 IXW

0141 643 1348 – isrutherglen@tiscali.co.uk
